Enjoy Holiday Foods (Without a Side of Guilt)

Feel like you always “over indulge” over the holidays and then ramp up to a diet in January? Let’s start changing that narrative now.

Here are my five anti-diet tips for this holiday season!

1 . Set an alarm to meal plan.

December can be an especially busy month.  Set an event on your phone for the same time each week.  Use this time to meal plan for the week.  No, this doesn’t mean cooking “healthy” meals and putting them into pre-portioned containers.  It means thinking ahead for at least 3 easy recipes, making a grocery list, and having a plan for when you’ll get your groceries.  This week, my recipes were eggroll in a bowl, white chicken chili, and loaded baked potatoes.  I made enough to have leftovers and have some easy frozen and pantry options to fill in the gaps.  Don’t forget to think ahead for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and desserts as well! 

2. Eat every couple hours.

One of the biggest reasons we feel out of control around food is because we are coming out of restriction.  Plan to eat every couple hours throughout the day.  Yes, even if you have a holiday dinner coming up.  

3. Practice mindfulness.

Allow yourself to enjoy these special holiday foods and experiences and really be present. It’s way more fun to connect with a friend or family member than calculate calories or stress about the way your pants fit.

4. Let go of the morality.

Eating a “good” food does not make you a “good” person, and eating a “bad” food does not make you a “bad person. Food is just… food.

5. Notice variety.

My final tip is a bit of gentle nutrition. Notice that your plate is often missing a food group? Check out a new recipe to start incorporating more variety. The first thing we often think of here is vegetables, but that’s not all! Protein foods, starches, fruit, sauces, desserts, dairy, beverages - there are so many options! By focusing on variety, we’re supporting our body in blood sugar regulation, satiety, energy, and specific nutrient needs.

Wanting some more support with food around the holidays? I would be happy to help! Shoot me an email to learn more: emma@blacksheepnutrition.com


Dinner Ideas: November Round-Up