Emma Stone Emma Stone

Nourishing Wellness: A Dietitian's Perspective on True Health

As a dietitian, my journey has been driven by a deep passion for fostering genuine well-being through nutrition. In my practice, I prioritize holistic approaches that focus on nurturing the body, mind, and soul rather than fixating on restrictive diets or fleeting trends. Here, I'd like to share what truly matters to me as a dietitian, along with what I consciously choose not to prioritize.

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Emma Stone Emma Stone

Redefining Health: Why This Dietitian Embraces Fat Positivity

In a world where diet culture often reigns supreme, the concept of a dietitian being "fat-positive" might raise some eyebrows. After all, don't dietitians promote “healthy eating” and weight loss? The answer: health is much more complex than that. A growing number of dietitians (myself included) are adopting a fat-positive approach that challenges conventional notions of health and body size.

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Emma Stone Emma Stone

What Would I Do With an Anti-Diet Dietitian?

One question I hear frequently is, “If you aren’t a traditional weight-loss-focused dietitian, what exactly do you do?”

What an important question!

Of course this will vary significantly from person to person, but here are some general building blocks that would make up our time together:

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Emma Stone Emma Stone

Does Intuitive Eating Ignore Health?

A common concern I hear regarding Intuitive Eating is the assumption that it ignores health. This comes with a belief that food neutrality means we ignore the ways different foods impact our body.

So is this true? Does intuitive eating ignore health? Does it encourage you to eat nothing but potato chips and pass on the spinach?

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Emma Stone Emma Stone

Here’s Why You Should Skip Weight Loss as a Resolution This Year

Here we are again, the dreaded January where everyone is challenged to set unrealistic resolutions for the new year. The time we’re encouraged to feel shame for our food decisions in December and “make up for it” by buying that expensive gym membership in January. I’m so over it. Here’s why you should skip weight loss as a resolution this year.

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Emma Stone Emma Stone

Dinner Ideas: November Round-Up

It can be such a daunting task to come up with new meal ideas! I want to first normalize quick, easy, familiar meals, and second provide some ideas for new recipes to try. I don’t share “what I eat in a day” because each body is unique - what my body needs in a day is not the same as what your body needs in a day. Instead, I am happy to share some of the favorite or new meals I’ve been making recently.

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Emma Stone Emma Stone

Enjoy Holiday Foods (Without a Side of Guilt)

Feel like you always “over indulge” over the holidays and then ramp up to a diet in January? Let’s start changing that narrative now. Here are my five anti-diet tips for this holiday season!

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