Redefining Health: Why This Dietitian Embraces Fat Positivity

In a world where diet culture often reigns supreme, the concept of a dietitian being "fat-positive" might raise some eyebrows. After all, don't dietitians promote “healthy eating” and weight loss? The answer: health is much more complex than that. A growing number of dietitians (myself included) are adopting a fat-positive approach that challenges conventional notions of health and body size. In this blog post, we'll explore why a dietitian might choose to be fat-positive, what this means, and the potential benefits it offers to individuals on their journey to a healthier, happier life.

Understanding Fat Positivity

Let’s first define what fat positivity means. At its core, fat positivity is an ideology that promotes self-acceptance and self-love, at all shapes and sizes. It encourages individuals to reject societal pressures and negative stigmas associated with where they rank on the dreaded BMI. Fat positivity encourages people to focus on health and well-being rather than weight as the primary measure of health.

Now, let's explore the reasons why a dietitian might choose to align themselves with this movement:

Challenging the Stigma

One of the primary reasons I adopt a fat-positive approach is to challenge the stigma associated with living in a larger body. Society often perpetuates harmful stereotypes about larger individuals, assuming that they are unhealthy, lazy, or lack self-discipline. The world isn’t appropriately set up to meet their needs, and providers often miss the mark on care by zooming in on weight alone. Fat positivity seeks to break down these stereotypes and promote a more inclusive and empathetic view of individuals of all sizes. Dietitians who are fat-positive recognize that someone’s worth is not defined by the size of their body.

Focusing on Health, Not Weight

A fat-positive dietitian recognizes that health is complex and multifaceted. They understand that a person's well-being cannot be accurately determined by their weight alone. We all come from different ancestry; we all live in different environments with different histories; we all face different stressors. Instead of focusing on weight, I prioritize holistic health, taking into account physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This approach shifts the focus from weight loss to sustainable, health-promoting behaviors, such as balanced nutrition, joyful movement, and stress management.

Encouraging Sustainable Changes

Traditional diet culture often promotes extreme weight loss methods that are neither sustainable nor healthy. Fat-positive dietitians encourage their clients to make sustainable changes that can be maintained long-term. This approach is more realistic and less likely to lead to disordered eating or a cycle of yo-yo dieting.

Diverse Approaches to Health

Dietitians who are fat-positive acknowledge that there are various paths to health, and what works for one person may not work for another. They provide individualized guidance, respecting their clients' unique needs, preferences, and goals. This approach empowers clients to take ownership of their health and make choices that align with their values and circumstances.

A dietitian who adopts a fat-positive approach does not promote an unhealthy lifestyle or dismiss the importance of nutrition and physical activity. Instead, they advocate for a more compassionate and holistic view of health that prioritizes well-being over weight. By challenging harmful stereotypes, focusing on sustainable changes, and addressing mental health, a fat-positive dietitian aims to support their clients in achieving long-term health and happiness. Embracing body acceptance is a step towards a more inclusive, empathetic, and supportive approach to health and well-being.


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