What Would I Do With an Anti-Diet Dietitian?

One question I hear frequently is, “If you aren’t a traditional weight-loss-focused dietitian, what exactly do you do?”

What an important question!

Of course this will vary significantly from person to person, but here are some general building blocks that would make up our time together:

  1. Establish a baseline of adequate nourishment

    If you have a history of chronic dieting or disordered eating, if you struggle to remember to eat, or if you have an inconsistent schedule, chances are we will start with addressing restriction.

  2. Build skills to eliminate binge or compensatory behaviors

    Once we have a baseline of consistent intake, we can start looking at factors that impact binge or compensatory behaviors. Compensatory behaviors could include purging, exercise, laxatives, or diuretics.

  3. Engage in exposures to improve body image and expand variety

    Body image often plays a big role in our food choices. We will look at your relationship with food, body, and movement and begin to do exposures to change these interactions.

  4. Learn gentle nutrition to support unique needs

    Have a diagnosis that requires nutrition intervention? We’ll explore gentle nutrition to support your unique needs.

  5. Challenge food rules and judgement to decrease stress around food

    This is where we really start to challenge all the noise that exists around food. Over time, we work to change the narrative and decrease stress around food.

Wondering if it may be worth exploring your relationship with food?

Find out how food affects you with this free quiz!


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